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Category: Social Media Marketing

Amazon Video Direct

Amazon Video Direct for Your Small Business

Amazon Video Direct is a video sharing website, that let's users upload videos and share them with Amazon Prime members. The video can be offered for free with Amazon Ads or sold/rented to viewers. When I said video sharing website, I'm sure your immediate reaction was -- Video Sharing Website? You mean like YouTube? It's been done Hamza. How about you tell me something I don't know. Well, here is a little unrelated but related story. Louis CK is a well established stand up comedian. Hilarious guy. I love him. Obisiously he makes a good living from his work. Although he has to pay so…

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The Microblogging Guide for your Small Business

Microblogging is a combination of blogging and instant messaging that allows users to create photos, short messages and videos to be posted and shared with an audience online. Taking into consideration your schedule being so full as a small business owner. You would actually have the time to maintain a presence on social media platforms. No more excuses. You don't have to create optimized content to stay engaged with your followers. Its much easier and much more fun to microblog. Little History of Microblogging The first microblogs were known as tumblelogs. The term quickly became Microblogging. It was cemented in the social media vocabulary in March…

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Organic Reach

Organic Reach in Social Media for Small Businesses

The term organic reach in social media is simple. Its the users who get to see your posts without you having to pay to get their attention. Paying to get people's attention?!?! Who would even want that kinda attention. Especially if you're a small business. So, In your journey to build your brand online. You will meet so many influencers. Collaborate with many of your contemporaries. And read countless books about social media marketing and self development. It is very rare that you would hear anyone suggesting that you should pay Instagram or Facebook to boost your posts. And yet so many small businesses are…

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Gary Vaynerchuk SMMW16

Social Media Marketing World. SMMW16 – The Takeaways.

Social Media Marketing World 2016 (SMMW16) was a week ago. It all happened so fast. I guess time flies when you're having fun. But again the event had a big impact on me personally and professionally, so even tho it all happened quickly, everything is still so fresh in my mind. So I got to attend the event because Social Media Examiner was kind enough to hire me as a volunteer. But its my first year so I didn't know what to expect. Well Everything, I mean EVERYTHING was so far above and beyond my expectations. Behind the Scenes From SMMW16 I knew that Networking, Discovery, Fun were…

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facebook virtual reality

The Virtual Reality of Social Media Networking

Social Media Networking is slowly, but surely finding its place in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Our interactions with computers and smart phones are going to change. Our experiences are going to be much more immersive than we anticipated. So allow me to get little deep for a second. While I was driving to work yesterday, I was thinking about Steve Jobs. I was thinking about his ability to see into the future. I mean after the IPhone was in the market. How did he envision "IPhones" or "phones" are going to look like for the next generations. I'm sure he thought of many possible scenarios on how…

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