Improving your Instagram branding should be easy to do. Although I’m not an Instagram celebrity or an influencer. I’ve been on Instagram for years now, and I still don’t know why these guys are the most-followed Instagram accounts. However, I know how to brand. So here are some tips I personally think can improve your branding on Instagram.

5 Ways To Boost Your Instagram Branding

1. Define your brand identity (your schtick)

You should be able to answer the simple question of what is your Instagram account about? Or in simple terms, what’s your schtick?

Yiddish slang meaning “gimmick” that has come to mean “someone’s signature behavior.” In the 1940’s, Jewish comedians in the Catskills referred to their comedy routines as their schtick. Source.

By the time people glance at your bio, scroll a little, they should be able to determine how your account is able to educate, entrain, or inspire them. It’s been shown that people make decisions very quickly and using very little information. Entire books have been written on the topic. But my favorite one is Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. When your brand is clear, its easier to make a decision whether to subscribe to your brand or not.

2. Define your style

The filters you use. The way you edit the photos. The color scheme. All these design elements put together are used to determine the theme of the Instagram account. Why is having a theme important, you may ask. Because its simple, yet very memorable.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Your theme should be easily describable. To put it simply, your theme and your branding should be something that can be described easily in a super loud environment like a karaoke bar 😉

3. Create a publishing schedule (how often you share)

Set up a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Whether it’s once a day or a few times a week. How often you share creates a connection between you and your community. After a few weeks, people start to look forward to seeing your posts. I wouldn’t worry about when is the best time to share. The Instagram algorithm takes care of that, based on the interaction history of your followers. Once you have a schedule and a good flow, don’t make your followers wait. Stick to your schedule.

The moment your followers start consuming your content, they become customers.
4. Write a good bio

This is totally subjective. Although, here are a few things you should AVOID in your bio:

  • Virtue signaling and moral posturing
  • Relationship status
  • Lyrics and inspirational quotes.
  • Avoid flags and emojis in general if you can
  • Your Horoscope

I personally enjoy a funny bio. Also, if you support a charity and you’re actively helping out, it’s totally fair to promote a good cause. By all means, share a link. But there is a thin line between raising awareness and yelling things out in your bio. Here are some funny Instagram bios that will brighten your day.

5 Be Personable

Whether you’re like it or not, Instagram is a platform that celebrates people on storytelling.

Let’s never forget the social in social media

So do your best to share the faces behind your brand. Whether it’s you, your employees or your community, give the followers someone to connect with.

Also, as discussed earlier, promoting a charity via your social channels is encouraged if it’s done right. Follow the trends you care about and engage with your online community.  Whether its #internationalsurfday or #savethewhales participate in the discussion online and attract your tribe.

Final Thoughts

In closing using Instagram is something you will have to do on a regular basis, and strong branding should allow for a streamlined process. Bad branding on Instagram is heartbreaking. We don’t want heartbreaking branding. We want heartwarming branding.  More double tabs. More likes. More hearts ♥