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sensory branding

Sensory Branding: What Small Businesses Can Learn From Big Brands

The Importance of Sensory Branding Most big brands use some level of sensory branding and you can too. All brands can create a sensory experience around their products and services using different types of stimuli. Being able to perceive a brand creates a connection. A connection that can be shared with others. An experience that feels real. " What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." ― Morpheus, The Matrix Well in this life, this reality, this…

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Brand Identity

Brand Identity Questionnaire: 9 Questions to Get You Started

The following is a list of questions to help you determine the elements of your brand identity. What is a brand identity anyway? Its the key differentiators of your brand image. Some of these differentiators are the name, the logo, the design, tone, tagline, or typeface. Its how our brains recognize brands. So whether you're designing the brand identity yourself or you're hiring someone to do it. You need to have a plan, and that's why I created this questionnaire. This is a playful guide to help you get things started. What colors represent your brand? Color conveys feelings and a whole lot of emotions. Red…

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good vs weak Instagram branding

How To Tune Up your Instagram Branding

Improving your Instagram branding should be easy to do. Although I'm not an Instagram celebrity or an influencer. I've been on Instagram for years now, and I still don't know why these guys are the most-followed Instagram accounts. However, I know how to brand. So here are some tips I personally think can improve your branding on Instagram. 5 Ways To Boost Your Instagram Branding 1. Define your brand identity (your schtick) You should be able to answer the simple question of what is your Instagram account about? Or in simple terms, what's your schtick? schtick Yiddish slang meaning "gimmick" that has come to mean "someone's signature…

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brand name

How to Choose a Brand Name that Works

If you're starting out as a small business and you're having a hard time coming up with a brand name you're doing it right. This process should not be easy. Your brand name must be able to say so much about your business with only one or two words. Your brand mission. Your brand culture. Your level of self-awareness. Good brands typically outlast their creators. First things first coming up with a brand name is less challenging when you have a business plan. The business plan outlines the executive summary, the brand mission, and the target market, which are the pillars of your brand identity. So…

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Digital Branding: Why Bother?

Digital Branding: Why Bother?

Here is something you always get from small business owners: "I need a new website", or "I need to get my business on Instagram" but when do you ever hear: I need to define my digital brand so I create a healthy presence online. Rarely or never. In this post, I will discuss three reasons why having a clear digital brand is so important for your small business. Reason #1: Digital Branding is Your Identity Online Digital branding is the core of everything you do online as a business. It's the DNA of your online strategy. "DNA ˌdē ˌen ˈā/ noun the fundamental and distinctive characteristics or…

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